Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring Cleaning #30: Take a Load Off Our Drives

Lone Star College has similar drives. However, I had yet to save anything the S or P drives before this assignment. So, I saved a copy of the HCPL Map of Locations to the S drive. Then, I deleted it. In the past, I have appreciated it when people saved items to shared computer drives. As I have previously stated, I really don't like having space taken up by big emails. I created a folder under my initials in order to contain my things on the P drive. Here, I have saved my database training worksheet. This allows Freeman staff members to view my progress.

Being new and all, I do not have much on my personal drive - drive Z. I have organized these folders into relevant, work-related groups. I keep one for timesheets, another for training, etc. When I no longer need a document, I delete it from my Z drive. Otherwise, I want to be absolutely positive before I remove something from the other two drives.


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