Thursday, November 12, 2009

Potluck #56: To Tweet or Not To Tweet...Twitter

I opened a Twitter account a year and a half ago. I hadn't done much with it until this spring, though.

For this exercise, I checked out some of the other folks on Twitter. I even signed up for the Go USA Bid for World Cup. I found this by using the search feature. I've enjoyed keeping up with my friends this way but I think I still have much to learn. Also, thanks to this exercise, I found Product (RED) on Twitter and began following them. This reminds me much of Bloglines.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Crafts & Hobbies #63: Digital Scrapbooking

When I saw there was the opportunity for digital scrapbooking, I couldn't wait to try my hand at it. I noticed the other sites seemed to charge so I immediately went for experimenting with Scrapblog.

I found the choices limited. However, I was able to synchronize Flickr with Scrapblog and go from there. I liked the green background I used - it was free. I didn't care for some of the items costing me "coins." My picture is from my trip to San Diego earlier this summer.

Crafts & Hobbies #62: Decoupage

Last year, one of the Girl Scout Interest Project: Exploration! workshops was for the "Paper Works" Interest Project Award (IPA). The Girl Scouts and I worked did a decoupage project in order to complete one of the steps towards this IPA. We used boxes, photos clipped from magazines, and a mixture of glue and water. It was a lot of fun.

All summer long, I've intended to decoupage a box with old road maps to hold my watch and ring. I haven't done it yet and the kids are back in school. I do think I will make this decoupage box . . . someday.

On Etsy, I saw some charming decoupage candle holders. Maybe I will have a chance to attempt making such. . . after I finish that box.

Crafts & Hobbies #61: Craftspiration

Browsing the sites such as Instructibles and Craftzine, my hands itched to do some of these projects. Just the other day, I saw a papier maché bowl I just had to make. Nonetheless, I haven't made time to enjoy this hobby in years. One of the projects on Craftzine uses an apple as a vase. My first thought was, "Well, I could do that." However, my second thought was, "When would I do it, though?"

I prefer written instructions with pictures for crafts. Of course, I might try watching a video again. Back in my day, we didn't have YouTube or streaming video on our computers.

When I was a Girl Scout, I enjoyed the times we did craft projects the most. I made Gods' eyes, decorated t-shirts, and Christmas ornaments. Since my Girl Scout days, I haven't made the time for crafts. In seeing this iHCPL module and working on the Crafts-to-Go program at Freeman, I've returned to one of my favorite pasttimes.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

TXT U L8R - Texting

Yes, I have sent a text message. On average, I think I send about 20 a week. I guess I'm a semi-regular texter.
My family can't stand texting and asked it to be removed from their phones. So, there's no contacting them by text in case of emergency. However, some of my friends are best contacted by text. They do not check email or pick up phone calls.
If it had not been for my cell phone, I would not have been able to receive info during the Hurricane Ike aftermath. Text messages allowed me to know how many people were without electricity.
I use text lingo. Basically, I want to express my thoughts quickly and in less than 140 characters. Also, saying "txt u l8r" takes less time for the recipient to read.
I think it's very dangerous to text while driving. In fact, it's insane. Yet, I see people doing that and all kinds of other things when they should have their hands on the steering wheel. Thanks to this sort of behavior, cell phone usage in vehicles may be made illegal.