Tuesday, May 12, 2009

TXT U L8R - Texting

Yes, I have sent a text message. On average, I think I send about 20 a week. I guess I'm a semi-regular texter.
My family can't stand texting and asked it to be removed from their phones. So, there's no contacting them by text in case of emergency. However, some of my friends are best contacted by text. They do not check email or pick up phone calls.
If it had not been for my cell phone, I would not have been able to receive info during the Hurricane Ike aftermath. Text messages allowed me to know how many people were without electricity.
I use text lingo. Basically, I want to express my thoughts quickly and in less than 140 characters. Also, saying "txt u l8r" takes less time for the recipient to read.
I think it's very dangerous to text while driving. In fact, it's insane. Yet, I see people doing that and all kinds of other things when they should have their hands on the steering wheel. Thanks to this sort of behavior, cell phone usage in vehicles may be made illegal.

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