Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Games and Gaming #38: Console Gaming

I visited the "nostalgic" game site and signed up for a free account. Then, I played Pacman. It amused me because my dad was awesome at playing this game. As a child, I had the old-school Nintendo (gray box, red letters saying "NES"). Mom and I bought the Nintendo version of Pacman. Dad said it wasn't the same without the joystick. Then, we bought a joystick for him. So, the online version of Pacman left me wondering, "How much would my dad enjoy this without the joystick?" Yet, I found it simple. It was like riding the proverbial bike. I already knew to avoid the ghosts and to eat the crums and fruit to stay alive. While I drew on my memory to play, I think it would still take very little for a player new to game to have fun with it.

Talking with one of my coworkers, I think the Wii system is awesome. Many of us at our library branch have been talking about the Wii aerobics. While I haven't tried it . . . yet, I find it fascinating. However, the Wii would be a great draw to the library. It is not sedentary and I think that is very important. I have done some stuff with the DDR and I have liked it. I do believe, though, a Wii would address more than physical coordination. Thus, the Wii receives my vote.

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